Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Idea Warm-up

Often times we as human beings think so much about the future that we forget to monitor what we are doing in the present. The future can cause headaches, stress, joy, and happiness among many other things. We each handle the future in many different ways, some of us prepare ourselves, some choose to brush it off until it confronts them. Others embrace it, planning and making themselves busy to the point where you can almost forget why you were busy in the first place.

When i think of self i often go back to being in psychology where we learn about your true self and your ideal self. Your ideal self is what you imagine when you think of where you want to be, how you want to look, and act. Often times our ideal self is the glorious hero of a story, incredibly charming and whatnot. Your real self who you actually are, not to say you are someone who is drab and uninteresting but I'm sure there are things any person would want to change about themselves. True bliss may be finding out that ones real self and ideal self are not that different.

The best part of motivation is that it is different for everyone. There are those motivated by extrinsic things such as money, fame, and rewards. There's also people that are motivated intrinsically by goals, being happy, and enjoying oneself. However in all cases a truly motivated person can accomplish nearly anything they set their mind to.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This, By a man named Heiko Klug. (Blog 1)

Denotations: In this photo there appears to be a window that has been broken by someone or something unknown. What lies inside the window is a world that is desolate, lacks color, and life in general but for a few vines growing on the window. Outside there is a world that is full of color, the sun, and life.

Connotations: Many people may be able to relate to this photo because at some point in almost everybody's life, there has been or will be a time where they feel like the life they're living at the moment seems dull and boring, static, if you will. For some, the unfortunate result is a life full of missed opportunities, However, for most, hopefully one can build up the courage to try something new or even adopt a positive outlook on life.They break the window.

Denotations: In this photo there is an old fashioned record player that seems to have the world coming out of it multiple times. Attached to each of these world's is a horn with music coming out of it. Another note, is that all of this is surrounded by darkness.

Connotations: This artist loves to work with images in which the central object seems almost completely absorbed by whatever it is that is surrounding it. Whether it may be a parkour  runner and their city or a dancer and their hip-hop, one gets the feeling of passion when viewing his images. Thus, the message that this particular creation conveys is that there are times when music is someone's world and perhaps their world is music. TRUE passion resides in the fact the difference between the two is negligible.