Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Project

My Big Idea is that of Triumph. To me the most interesting thing in the world is how people are able to overcome certain situations and be successful. Whenever it even happens in movies I get a chill down my spine.  The themes I chose to convey Triumph were victory, determination, over coming obstacles, and success in general. I believe that all of these components are key to becoming triumphant. I’ve explored the big idea by looking up tags on site such as Flickr to better understand other people think of as being triumphant. What is interesting is the fact that people often include joy as a synonym of being Triumphant. Everybody has difficulties and the path math be a hard one but the feeling of victory is one that is so pure.  I used images such as people with their arms raised in victory and the sunrise. The sunrise, I used because it seemed to represent the light at the end of the tunnel if you will. I also harnessed a picture of a man standing over his enemies. This man’s name is Samson, a biblical figure to whom God grants tremendous strength. With this strength Sasmson went on to complete feats such as wrestling a lion, and in this case, slaying the Philistine Army with the jawbone of a donkey. This Big Idea is important to me because I would like to model myself in ways that will help me be successful more often and thus a better person.


  1. The Big idea is very clear here, you did a good job expressing it with both sides. Adding the sun really made it look like it was hitting his body and part of the image, and the word cheat backwards and Nixon are a great touch.

  2. I like the pictures you've selected to model your Big Idea. It's quite obvious what it is. Also I like the warm and cool colors to be symbolical.
    Suggestions: Maybe move the main picture around so it is not right in the middle on both pictures. Another suggestion would to show someone triumphant on the left, like Obama.

  3. First of all, I think you were very successful (triumphant, ha!) at portraying your big idea. When you look at both works as a diptych, I love the contrasting warm and cool colors showing the good and bad parts of success. I think in both images you have a lot of nice complexities going on with the images faded in the background. The left piece really makes me feel happy when I look at it, and I don't feel as comfortable when looking at the right piece, Richard Nixon really kills the mood. I guess my suggestions would be to think about the placement of that central figure. It would be interesting to see what it would look like if it was not so centered. And my other suggestion would maybe be to try to take the words "cheat" out of the other piece. It helped that it was backwards, though! So, basically, I think your project was really strong, and reminds me of a classical painting or something. And I totally agree with what you said about movies in your artist statement, I feel the same way!
