Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Visual Brainstorming Response

My big idea is that of Triumph.

         Some of the connected issues involved with triumph would be moments of defeat, overcoming obstacles, success, perseverance in dire times. The path to triumph is not always a pretty one riddled with nothing but success. In my opinion the greatest victories are ones that were the hardest to obtain. This leads into my visual themes, such as disabilities and overcoming them, joy, strength, and determination all play a big role in triumph as well, they are basically the tools needed to complete any task. All of these pictures surround one big picture of Samson standing on top of his foes with his arm raised in victory.

          This Big Idea is very significant to me because ever since i was little I would (and still do) get a chill down my spine even when watching a movie about someone prevailing in a moment of defeat. This is because i don't believe that everyone has it in them. It would be SO easy to give up every time we were knocked down but it's so worth it to clench your jaw and get back up. It's called grit. I choose this Big Idea because I try to model myself after it.

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