Monday, February 28, 2011

Quiz 4

The Kick-Ass poster uses bright colors to really draw in the viewer. The composition also consists of cartoony-like characters that look posed for battle. However, the feeling that one gets from the poster is far from serious. It makes me wonder if it’s going to be an action thriller or a comedy. This movie honestly seems to be geared toward those comic book kids that have probably read about the story before. This is completely fine, but to do so they seem to be targeting those in their teens with the cartoon like design. This is in comparison to movies that market to a more serious crowd with shadows and a much deeper tone to the composition.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a really nice job on this quiz. You somehow made Kick Ass look super romantic. :) But really, I like that you brought in that warm yellowish lighting from the Benjamin Button poster into the Kick Ass poster. Your use of text is also fantastic. You obviously searched and found much better images to use to make it look like a chick flick.
