Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blog #5

1. The thing that I'm most proud of in my final project was that I was able to link the elements of both the pictures that i created to create a brand new uniform Bid Idea of Identity. I feel as if I used the techniques that i was already taught and applied them to a different technique.

2. The technique that i had the most problem with was the use of vector masks because i didn't originally think that they were needed. For instance, i had no idea that you could place a blur over an image and then use a layer effect to make the image look more seamless.

3.For my midterm project the approach i used was a up front approach in order to convey exactly what i wanted to get across to the viewer. However, in my final project i believe that i used a much more subtle approach.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Final Project

My Big idea is identity. I sought out to create a final project that send the message that everyone essentially creates who they are by what they do. Yet, another challenge was to encompass this creation in a way that does not only entail a single facet of one’s life, such as their job, or relationships. I was seeking to personify the idea that every single action we do, makes us who we are. I then used the internet as a resource to find common links of what people determined was their version of identity. What I found was quite a few pictures of question marks but I began to realize that almost everything we do, we do with our hands. We form relationships, communicate, feed ourselves, and make a living all with the help of our hands. So why not find a way to create an image out of hands? I could imagine my artwork being used for an album cover perhaps. There aren’t an incredibly amount of elements but I feel as if the simplicity makes them all the better.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog #4

My Big idea is identity. I sought out to create a final project that send the message that everyone essentially creates who they are by what they do. Yet, another challenge was to encompass this creation in a way that does not only entail a single facet of one’s life, such as their job, or relationships. I was seeking to personify the idea that every single action we do, makes us who we are. I then used the internet as a resource to find common links of what people determined was their version of identity. What I found was quite a few pictures of question marks but I began to realize that almost everything we do, we do with our hands. We form relationships, communicate, feed ourselves, and make a living all with the help of our hands. So why not find a way to create an image out of hands? I could imagine my artwork being used for an album cover perhaps. There aren’t an incredibly amount of elements but I feel as if the simplicity makes them all the better.

Along with my Big Idea being identity, my references are pictures from flickr about how people interpret identity, Kid Cudi album covers, and essentially my own past. I really like how Kid Cudi seems to place images of himself in the other worldly places such as space, or the moon. I included my past as reference because as i thought about the way one uses their hands to craft who they are, it brought about many of the key defining experiences in my life that i denote as being important in developing who I am. The photoshop element that I would like to try and include in my project is the Bubblewrap technique.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Quiz 4

The Kick-Ass poster uses bright colors to really draw in the viewer. The composition also consists of cartoony-like characters that look posed for battle. However, the feeling that one gets from the poster is far from serious. It makes me wonder if it’s going to be an action thriller or a comedy. This movie honestly seems to be geared toward those comic book kids that have probably read about the story before. This is completely fine, but to do so they seem to be targeting those in their teens with the cartoon like design. This is in comparison to movies that market to a more serious crowd with shadows and a much deeper tone to the composition.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Project

My Big Idea is that of Triumph. To me the most interesting thing in the world is how people are able to overcome certain situations and be successful. Whenever it even happens in movies I get a chill down my spine.  The themes I chose to convey Triumph were victory, determination, over coming obstacles, and success in general. I believe that all of these components are key to becoming triumphant. I’ve explored the big idea by looking up tags on site such as Flickr to better understand other people think of as being triumphant. What is interesting is the fact that people often include joy as a synonym of being Triumphant. Everybody has difficulties and the path math be a hard one but the feeling of victory is one that is so pure.  I used images such as people with their arms raised in victory and the sunrise. The sunrise, I used because it seemed to represent the light at the end of the tunnel if you will. I also harnessed a picture of a man standing over his enemies. This man’s name is Samson, a biblical figure to whom God grants tremendous strength. With this strength Sasmson went on to complete feats such as wrestling a lion, and in this case, slaying the Philistine Army with the jawbone of a donkey. This Big Idea is important to me because I would like to model myself in ways that will help me be successful more often and thus a better person.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Entry #3

Artist: Mel Kadel
This artists appeals to me because the majority of their pieces are about things that are easy to relate to. I feel as if anyone can look at each work and take something truly unique from each and every one. In my opinion not every piece of art has to have some abstract meaning. As long as people can look at it and appreciate its meaning to them. The Big Idea in their artwork is over coming seemingly impossibly difficult obstacles.

what i find interesting about their artwork is the method in which she dipicts the obstacles. For example, in the picture below we have all felt butterflies in our stomach at some point, yet to have them almost bursting out of the characters body i think captures how we all have felt mentally. I am curious as to why every character is this artist's compilation is not only the same character, but a woman every time. Is it depicting her own challenges? Is it saying that women typically have more obstacles to overcome?

Mel Kadel gives me insight to show that sometimes we must put real emphasis on the message we are trying to get across in order to let the viewer truly relate to the artwork. in the words of Mel Kadel, her artwork is about  "getting through tough times, and conquering daily obstacles. It's a mental battle each of us has to endure."


Spacing Awake

The Artist: Andre Beato
This artist appeals to me because they seem to put an almost hip vibe on every piece that they make. Now, im not saying im some kind of smooth-talking, beatbox carrying "hipster" but i really enjoy seeing a more modern sort of fresh take on not so modern things. The Big Idea in this artist's work may be hard to discern from the many images that he has created but if i had to choose an adjective to do so I would call his big idea "New Age". 

What inspires me about this artist is that all of his pieces almost seem futuristic. Im curious as to what platform he uses to create his images, whether it be Photoshop or some other program. Im also curious as to what inspired him to start creating images like the ones he does.

Based on how this artist takes things in real life such as picture of a guy with a gold tooth, and turns them into an almost animated form, I now believe that every single image I would even be considering for manipulation has so much more potential behind it, which will truly challenge me in the future of my computer graphics.

May The Force